Editing WilmerLab Website

1. Fork the wilmerlab.github.io repository

2. Make changes in your local repository

Add a new post (news)

  • Create a markdown (.md) file with appropriate date and name and add it to _posts folder (see the previous ones for example).
  • Add an image about the post to the assets/img/posts folder. The recommended image size is 400x200. Make sure the image has 2:1 ratio so the news grid looks nice.
  • Modify the content of the markdown file (add text, other images, links etc.) and add the link to your image to yaml front matter (header/teaser part at the top of the file separated with 3 dashes).

Add a new publication

  • Open publications.md markdown file under _pages directory.
  • Add a new entry in the yaml front header as follows:
  - image_path: /assets/img/publications/year_lastname_journal.png
    alt: "year_lastname_journal"
    title: "Publication Title"
    excerpt: "**No.** [Authors, Publication Title, *Journal Name*, Issue, Pages **(Year)**.](/link/to/publication)"
  • Add an image about describing the publication (e.g. TOC figure) to the assets/img/publications folder. The recommended image size is 800x400 px. Make sure the image has 2:1 ratio to be consistent.
  • Go to the end of the yaml front header and add your publication to the page under appropriate year and order.

Edit page contents

  • Go to the markdown file of the page you want to edit (for example people.md if you want to edit personal information).
  • Make changes you like.

3. See your changes locally (optional)

Install the theme. See instructions here.

4. Push your changes and create a pull request

When you are done making changes commit and push those changes to your fork of the repository. Then create a pull request to the wilmerlab respository stating your changes.