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An Atoms object is a container for all the information required to keep track of a structure and the structure's force field.

See the documentation on __init__ or load to see how to create an Atoms object.

An Atoms object is made up primarily of numpy arrays and a couple normal lists.

Some arrays are per-atom (one entry per atom): atom_types, positions, charges, and groups.

Some arrays are per-atom-type (one entry per atom type): atom_type_masses, atom_type_elements, atom_type_labels, and extra_atom_fields.

Some arrays are per-bond (one entry per bond): bonds, bond_types, and extra_bond_fields.

Some arrays are per-angle (one entry per angle): angles, angle_types and extra_angle_fields.

Some arrays are per-dihedral (one entry per dihedral): dihedrals, dihedral_types and extra_dihedral_fields.

Some arrays are per-improper (one entry per improper): impropers, improper_types and extra_improper_fields.

Atoms also stores information on the coefficients needed to define each force field term: pair_coeffs, bond_type_coeffs, angle_type_coeffs, dihedral_type_coeffs, and improper_type_coeffs. The *_coeffs variables are lists of strings, where the item index corresponds to the *_type, and the string is the full LAMMPS coeffs definition string. we do not interpret any of the LAMMPS coefficient specifics, we just store it in its original form, i.e. this Angle Coeffs section:

Angle Coeffs

1 cosine/periodic  72.500283  -1  1   # C_R O_1 H_ 2 cosine/periodic  277.164705  -1  3   # C_R C_R O_1

would be interpreted like this:

angle_type_coeffs= ["cosine/periodic  72.500283  -1  1   # C_R O_1 H_",
                    "cosine/periodic  277.164705  -1  3   # C_R C_R O_1"]

For CIF files, which can have arbitrary fields of data per each atom, bond, angle, and torsion, we keep a set of extra_fields variables: extra_atom_fields, extra_bond_fields, extra_angle_fields, and extra_torsion_fields. Each extra_fields is NxM array, where N is the number of atoms/bonds/angles/torsions and M is the number of additional custom fields. Any field that is not explicitly handled by us is added to one of these arrays, and the values will be associated with the atoms/bonds/angles/torsions through any find and replace operation, and be output again if a CIF is saved.

There are corresponding arrays for the labels of each field: extra_atom_labels, extra_bond_labels, extra_angle_labels, and extra_torsion_labels.

For example, if the _atom_site CIF loop looks like this:


MOFUN explicitly handles the fields _atom_site_type_symbol, _atom_site_label, and _atom_site_fract_* and will add the rest of the fields to the extra_atom_fields array: _atom_site_symmetry_multiplicity, _atom_site_occupancy.

__init__(self, atom_types=None, positions=None, charges=None, groups=None, elements=None, atom_type_masses=None, atom_type_elements=None, atom_type_labels=None, bonds=None, bond_types=None, angles=None, angle_types=None, dihedrals=None, dihedral_types=None, impropers=None, improper_types=None, pair_coeffs=None, bond_type_coeffs=None, angle_type_coeffs=None, dihedral_type_coeffs=None, improper_type_coeffs=None, cell=None, extra_atom_labels=None, extra_atom_fields=None, extra_bond_labels=None, extra_bond_fields=None, extra_angle_labels=None, extra_angle_fields=None, extra_dihedral_labels=None, extra_dihedral_fields=None, extra_improper_labels=None, extra_improper_fields=None) special

Create an Atoms object.

An Atoms object can be created without any atoms using Atoms(). For creating more interesting Atoms objects, there are a few rules to keep in mind. The parameters atom_types, positions, charges, and groups are all lists that should have a size equal to the number of atoms in the system. positions is mandatory; charges, and groups are optional (both default to 0 for each atom) and there are two ways to specify atom types: 1) specify the atom_types and atom_type_elements explicitly, which is how the load_lmpdat method loads Atoms objects from a LAMMPS data file, or 2) specify per-atom elements and and have MOFUN auto-number the atom types for you, which is more convenient when specifying small molecules in code or when loading from other file formats such as CML or CIF which may store element information but not type information.

When explicitly setting the types, you must pass atom_types and atom_type_elements. atom_types is a list of int type ids >= 0, one for each atom in the system. atom_type_elements is a list of element names (e.g. "C", "N", "Zr") per atom type. For example, if your system is propane, your atom_types list could be [0, 1, 1, 1] and your atom_type_elements list would then be ["C", "H"].

To specify per-atom elements, you must pass elements with either a list of elements, such as Atoms(elements= ["C", "C"], ...) or with a string Atoms(elements="CC", ...). If you use the elements parameter, then type ids are automatically generated.

Passing atom_type_masses is optional, and masses will be inferred from the elements if missing. If you are using atom types with masses that do not correspond to periodic table elements, then you will need to specify the masses explicitly.

Passing force field term information for bonds, angles, dihedrals, and impropers is optional, as well as passing force field coefficients for LAMMPS with pair_coeffs, bond_type_coeffs, angle_type_coeffs, dihedral_type_coeffs, and improper_type_coeffs.

Extra data can be associated with any of the topoloogy terms by using the extra_*_fields arguments. This is primarily used for CIFS.


 a = Atoms() # create an empty Atoms object with no atoms
 a = Atoms(atom_types=[0], positions=[[0,0,0]]) # create one atom of type 0
 a = Atoms(elements=["C"], positions=[[0,0,0]]) # create one Carbon
 a = Atoms(elements=["C", "C"], positions=[[0,0,0], [1,0,0]]) # create two Carbons
 a = Atoms(elements="CC", positions=[[0,0,0], [1,0,0]]) # create two Carbons using shorthand element notation


Name Type Description Default
atom_types List[int]

list of integer type ids, one per atom.

positions List[Tuple[float, float, float]]

list of tuple atom x,y,z coordinates, one per atom.

charges List[float]

list of charges, one per atom. Defaults to 0 for each atom if not passed.

groups List[int]

list of integer groups, one per atom. For LAMMPS this gets mapped to a "molecule id". Defaults to 0 for each atom if not passed.

elements List[str], str

either a list of elements, (e.g. ["C", "H", "H", "H"]) or an element string (e.g. "CHHH")

atom_type_masses List[float]

list of atom type masses, one per atom type. If masses are not passed, they will be inferred from the atom_type_elements.

atom_type_elements List[str]

list of atom type elements, one per atom type.

atom_type_labels List[str]

list of atom type labels, one per atom type. Used in LAMMPS data file line comments as type labels.

bonds List[Tuple[int, int]]

list of bond tuples where each tuple defines a pair of atoms that are bonded. Each value in the tuple is an index of an atom in the atom_* lists.

bond_types List[int]

list of bond type id ints for each bond defined in bonds.

angles List[Tuple[int, int, int]]

list of angle tuples where each tuple defines a triplet of atoms making up the angle. Each value in the tuple is an index of an atom in the atom_* lists.

angle_types List[int]

list of angle type id ints for each angle defined in angles.

dihedrals List[Tuple[int, int, int, int]]

list of dihedral tuples where each dihedral defines a quartet of atoms making up the dihedral. Each value in the tuple is an index of an atom in the atom_* lists.

dihedral_types List[int]

list of dihedral type id ints for each dihedral defined in dihedrals.

impropers List[Tuple[int, int, int, int]]

list of improper tuples where each improper defines a quartet of atoms making up the improper. Each value in the tuple is an index of an atom in the atom_* lists.

improper_types List[int]

list of improper type id ints for each improper defined in impropers.

pair_coeffs List[str]

pair coefficients definition string (anything supported by LAMMPS in a data file but without the type id). One per atom type.

bond_type_coeffs List[str]

bond coefficients definition string (anything supported by LAMMPS in a data file but without the type id). One per bond type.

angle_type_coeffs List[str]

angle coefficients definition string (anything supported by LAMMPS in a data file but without the type id). One per angle type.

dihedral_type_coeffs List[str]

dihedral coefficients definition string (anything supported by LAMMPS in a data file but without the type id). One per dihedral type.

improper_type_coeffs List[str]

improper coefficients definition string (anything supported by LAMMPS in a data file but without the type id). One per improper type.

cell Array(3x3

3x3 array of unit cell vectors.

extra_atom_labels List[str]

labels for all extra atom fields.

extra_atom_fields List[Tuple[*]]

list of extra data associate with each atom. Should have a length equal to the number of atoms, and a width equal to len(extra_atom_labels).

extra_bond_labels List[str]

labels for all extra bond fields.

extra_bond_fields List[Tuple[*]]

list of extra data associate with each bond. Should have a length equal to the number of bonds, and a width equal to len(extra_bond_labels).

extra_angle_labels List[str]

labels for all extra angle fields.

extra_angle_fields List[Tuple[*]]

list of extra data associate with each angle. Should have a length equal to the number of angles, and a width equal to len(extra_angle_labels).

extra_dihedral_labels List[str]

labels for all extra dihedral fields.

extra_dihedral_fields List[Tuple[*]]

list of extra data associate with each dihedral. Should have a length equal to the number of dihedrals, and a width equal to len(extra_dihedral_labels).

extra_improper_labels List[str]

labels for all extra improper fields.

extra_improper_fields List[Tuple[*]]

list of extra data associate with each improper. Should have a length equal to the number of impropers, and a width equal to len(extra_improper_labels).



Type Description

the atoms object.

Source code in mofun/
def __init__(self, atom_types=None, positions=None, charges=None, groups=None,
                elements=None, atom_type_masses=None, atom_type_elements=None, atom_type_labels=None,
                bonds=None, bond_types=None, angles=None, angle_types=None,
                dihedrals=None, dihedral_types=None, impropers=None, improper_types=None,
                pair_coeffs=None, bond_type_coeffs=None, angle_type_coeffs=None,
                dihedral_type_coeffs=None, improper_type_coeffs=None, cell=None,
                extra_atom_labels=None, extra_atom_fields=None, extra_bond_labels=None, extra_bond_fields=None,
                extra_angle_labels=None, extra_angle_fields=None, extra_dihedral_labels=None, extra_dihedral_fields=None,
                extra_improper_labels=None, extra_improper_fields=None):

    """Create an Atoms object.

    An Atoms object can be created without any atoms using `Atoms()`. For creating more interesting Atoms objects,
    there are a few rules to keep in mind. The parameters `atom_types`, `positions`, `charges`, and `groups`  are
    all lists that should have a size equal to the number of atoms in the system. `positions` is mandatory;
    `charges`, and `groups` are optional (both default to 0 for each atom) and there are two ways to specify atom
    types: 1) specify the atom_types and atom_type_elements explicitly, which is how the `load_lmpdat` method loads
    Atoms objects from a LAMMPS data file, or 2) specify per-atom elements and and have MOFUN auto-number the atom
    types for you, which is more convenient when specifying small molecules in code or when loading from other file
    formats such as CML or CIF which may store element information but not type information.

    When explicitly setting the types, you must pass `atom_types` and `atom_type_elements`. `atom_types` is a list
    of int type ids >= 0, one for each atom in the system. `atom_type_elements` is a list of element names
    (e.g. "C", "N", "Zr") per _atom type_. For example, if your system is propane, your atom_types list could be
    [0, 1, 1, 1] and your atom_type_elements list would then be ["C", "H"].

    To specify per-atom elements, you must pass `elements` with either a list of elements, such as `Atoms(elements=
    ["C", "C"], ...)` or with a string `Atoms(elements="CC", ...)`. If you use the `elements` parameter, then type
    ids are automatically generated.

    Passing `atom_type_masses` is optional, and masses will be inferred from the elements if missing. If you are
    using atom types with masses that do not correspond to periodic table elements, then you will need to specify
    the masses explicitly.

    Passing force field term information for `bonds`, `angles`, `dihedrals`, and `impropers` is optional, as well as
    passing force field coefficients for LAMMPS with `pair_coeffs`, `bond_type_coeffs`, `angle_type_coeffs`,
    `dihedral_type_coeffs`, and `improper_type_coeffs`.

    Extra data can be associated with any of the topoloogy terms by using the extra_*_fields arguments. This is
    primarily used for CIFS.


     a = Atoms() # create an empty Atoms object with no atoms
     a = Atoms(atom_types=[0], positions=[[0,0,0]]) # create one atom of type 0
     a = Atoms(elements=["C"], positions=[[0,0,0]]) # create one Carbon
     a = Atoms(elements=["C", "C"], positions=[[0,0,0], [1,0,0]]) # create two Carbons
     a = Atoms(elements="CC", positions=[[0,0,0], [1,0,0]]) # create two Carbons using shorthand element notation

        atom_types (List[int]): list of integer type ids, one per atom.
        positions (List[Tuple[float, float, float]]): list of tuple atom x,y,z coordinates, one per atom.
        charges (List[float]): list of charges, one per atom. Defaults to 0 for each atom if not passed.
        groups (List[int]): list of integer groups, one per atom. For LAMMPS this gets mapped to a "molecule id". Defaults to 0 for each atom if not passed.
        elements (List[str], str): either a list of elements, (e.g. ["C", "H", "H", "H"]) or an element string (e.g. "CHHH")
        atom_type_masses (List[float]): list of atom type masses, one per atom type. If masses are not passed, they will be inferred from the `atom_type_elements`.
        atom_type_elements (List[str]): list of atom type elements, one per atom type.
        atom_type_labels (List[str]):  list of atom type labels, one per atom type. Used in LAMMPS data file line comments as type labels.
        bonds (List[Tuple[int, int]]): list of bond tuples where each tuple defines a pair of atoms that are bonded. Each value in the tuple is an index of an atom in the atom_* lists.
        bond_types (List[int]): list of bond type id ints for each bond defined in `bonds`.
        angles (List[Tuple[int, int, int]]): list of angle tuples where each tuple defines a triplet of atoms making up the angle. Each value in the tuple is an index of an atom in the atom_* lists.
        angle_types (List[int]): list of angle type id ints for each angle defined in `angles`.
        dihedrals (List[Tuple[int, int, int, int]]): list of dihedral tuples where each dihedral defines a quartet of atoms making up the dihedral. Each value in the tuple is an index of an atom in the atom_* lists.
        dihedral_types (List[int]): list of dihedral type id ints for each dihedral defined in `dihedrals`.
        impropers (List[Tuple[int, int, int, int]]): list of improper tuples where each improper defines a quartet of atoms making up the improper. Each value in the tuple is an index of an atom in the atom_* lists.
        improper_types (List[int]): list of improper type id ints for each improper defined in `impropers`.
        pair_coeffs (List[str]): pair coefficients definition string (anything supported by LAMMPS in a data file but without the type id). One per atom type.
        bond_type_coeffs (List[str]): bond coefficients definition string (anything supported by LAMMPS in a data file but without the type id). One per bond type.
        angle_type_coeffs (List[str]): angle coefficients definition string (anything supported by LAMMPS in a data file but without the type id). One per angle type.
        dihedral_type_coeffs (List[str]): dihedral coefficients definition string (anything supported by LAMMPS in a data file but without the type id). One per dihedral type.
        improper_type_coeffs (List[str]): improper coefficients definition string (anything supported by LAMMPS in a data file but without the type id). One per improper type.
        cell (Array(3x3)): 3x3 array of unit cell vectors.
        extra_atom_labels (List[str]): labels for all extra atom fields.
        extra_atom_fields (List[Tuple[*]]): list of extra data associate with each atom. Should have a length equal to the number of atoms, and a width equal to len(extra_atom_labels).
        extra_bond_labels (List[str]): labels for all extra bond fields.
        extra_bond_fields (List[Tuple[*]]): list of extra data associate with each bond. Should have a length equal to the number of bonds, and a width equal to len(extra_bond_labels).
        extra_angle_labels (List[str]): labels for all extra angle fields.
        extra_angle_fields (List[Tuple[*]]): list of extra data associate with each angle. Should have a length equal to the number of angles, and a width equal to len(extra_angle_labels).
        extra_dihedral_labels (List[str]): labels for all extra dihedral fields.
        extra_dihedral_fields (List[Tuple[*]]): list of extra data associate with each dihedral. Should have a length equal to the number of dihedrals, and a width equal to len(extra_dihedral_labels).
        extra_improper_labels (List[str]): labels for all extra improper fields.
        extra_improper_fields (List[Tuple[*]]): list of extra data associate with each improper. Should have a length equal to the number of impropers, and a width equal to len(extra_improper_labels).

        Atoms: the atoms object.

    def listdefault(v):
        if v is None:
            return []
            return v

    atom_types = listdefault(atom_types)
    positions = listdefault(positions)
    charges = listdefault(charges)
    groups = listdefault(groups)

    elements = listdefault(elements)
    atom_type_masses = listdefault(atom_type_masses)
    atom_type_elements = listdefault(atom_type_elements)
    atom_type_labels = listdefault(atom_type_labels)

    bonds = listdefault(bonds)
    bond_types = listdefault(bond_types)
    angles = listdefault(angles)
    angle_types = listdefault(angle_types)

    dihedrals = listdefault(dihedrals)
    dihedral_types = listdefault(dihedral_types)
    impropers = listdefault(impropers)
    improper_types = listdefault(improper_types)

    pair_coeffs = listdefault(pair_coeffs)
    bond_type_coeffs = listdefault(bond_type_coeffs)
    angle_type_coeffs = listdefault(angle_type_coeffs)

    dihedral_type_coeffs = listdefault(dihedral_type_coeffs)
    improper_type_coeffs = listdefault(improper_type_coeffs)
    # cell = listdefault(cell) # cell is purposely handled differently below

    extra_atom_labels = listdefault(extra_atom_labels)
    extra_atom_fields = listdefault(extra_atom_fields)
    extra_bond_labels = listdefault(extra_bond_labels)
    extra_bond_fields = listdefault(extra_bond_fields)

    extra_angle_labels = listdefault(extra_angle_labels)
    extra_angle_fields = listdefault(extra_angle_fields)
    extra_dihedral_labels = listdefault(extra_dihedral_labels)
    extra_dihedral_fields = listdefault(extra_dihedral_fields)

    extra_improper_labels = listdefault(extra_improper_labels)
    extra_improper_fields = listdefault(extra_improper_fields)

    self.atom_type_masses = np.array(atom_type_masses, ndmin=1)
    self.positions = np.array(positions, dtype=float, ndmin=1)

    if cell is not None:
        self.cell = np.array(cell)
        self.cell = None

    self.bonds = np.array(bonds, dtype=int)
    self.bond_types = np.array(bond_types, dtype=int)
    self.angles = np.array(angles, dtype=int)
    self.angle_types = np.array(angle_types, dtype=int)
    self.dihedrals = np.array(dihedrals, dtype=int)
    self.dihedral_types = np.array(dihedral_types, dtype=int)
    self.impropers = np.array(impropers, dtype=int)
    self.improper_types = np.array(improper_types, dtype=int)

    self.pair_coeffs = np.array(pair_coeffs)
    self.bond_type_coeffs = np.array(bond_type_coeffs)
    self.angle_type_coeffs = np.array(angle_type_coeffs)
    self.dihedral_type_coeffs = np.array(dihedral_type_coeffs)
    self.improper_type_coeffs = np.array(improper_type_coeffs)

    if len(charges) > 0:
        self.charges = np.array(charges, dtype=float)
        self.charges = np.zeros(len(self.positions), dtype=float)

    if len(groups) > 0:
        self.groups = np.array(groups, dtype=int)
        self.groups = np.zeros(len(self.positions), dtype=int)

    # load atom_types and atom_type_elements
    if len(atom_types) > 0:
        # default case or a __getitem__ subset
        self.atom_types = np.array(atom_types)
        self.atom_type_elements = atom_type_elements
    elif len(elements) > 0:
        # from element array, such as from ASE atoms or read CML
        # i.e. Propane ['C', 'H', 'H', 'H', 'C', 'H', 'H', 'C', 'H', 'H', 'H']:
        # or from element string, i.e. Propane "CHHHCHHCHHH" (shorthand):
        if isinstance(elements, str):
            elements = list(Formula(elements))

        # preserve order of types
        self.atom_type_elements = list(dict.fromkeys(elements).keys())
        self.atom_types = np.array([self.atom_type_elements.index(s) for s in elements])
        # no atom_type_elements or elements passed
        # this should be the `Atoms()` case; if not, it will fail the asserts below
        self.atom_types = np.array([], ndmin=1)
        self.atom_type_elements = []

    # automatically determine masses from elements if masses are not passed
    if len(self.atom_type_masses) == 0 and len(self.atom_type_elements) > 0:
        self.atom_type_masses = [ATOMIC_MASSES[s] for s in self.atom_type_elements]

    if len(atom_type_labels) > 0:
        self.atom_type_labels = atom_type_labels
        print("WARNING: using the atom elements as the atom_type_labels since labels were not supplied.", file=sys.stderr)
        # use default atom types equal to the element; this may not be unique!
        self.atom_type_labels = self.atom_type_elements

    self.extra_atom_labels = OrderedSet(extra_atom_labels)
    self.extra_bond_labels = OrderedSet(extra_bond_labels)
    self.extra_angle_labels = OrderedSet(extra_angle_labels)
    self.extra_dihedral_labels = OrderedSet(extra_dihedral_labels)
    self.extra_improper_labels = OrderedSet(extra_improper_labels)

    def shaped_fields(fields, shape):
        if len(fields) == 0:
            return np.full(shape, ".")
            return np.array(fields)

    # all extra_*_fields will be appended to and deleted from, even when empty, so, e.g. there may be a numpy array
    # of shape (26,0) where there are 26 bonds and 0 columns
    self.extra_atom_fields = shaped_fields(extra_atom_fields, (len(self.atom_types), len(extra_atom_labels)))
    self.extra_bond_fields = shaped_fields(extra_bond_fields, (len(self.bond_types), len(extra_angle_labels)))
    self.extra_angle_fields = shaped_fields(extra_angle_fields, (len(self.angle_types), len(extra_angle_labels)))
    self.extra_dihedral_fields = shaped_fields(extra_dihedral_fields, (len(self.dihedral_types), len(extra_dihedral_labels)))
    self.extra_improper_fields = shaped_fields(extra_improper_fields, (len(self.improper_types), len(extra_improper_labels)))


extend(self, other, offsets=None, structure_index_map={}, verbose=False)

Adds other Atoms object's arrays to its own.

The default behavior is for all the types and params from other structure to be appended to this structure.

Alternatively, an offsets tuple may be passed with the results of calling extend_types(). No new types will be added, but the newly added atoms, bonds, etc will refer to types by their value in the other Atoms object plus the offset. Use this when you are adding the same set of atoms multiple times, or if your other atoms already share the same type ids as this object. For the later case, the tuple (0,0,0,0) may be passed in.


Name Type Description Default
other Atoms

atoms to add to self


an offsets tuple with the results of calling extend_types().


dictionary where key is an index in other and value is an index in self, where entries only exist if the position and element of the entries are identical and can be considered to be the same atom.

verbose bool

print debugging info.

Source code in mofun/
def extend(self, other, offsets=None, structure_index_map={}, verbose=False):
    """Adds other Atoms object's arrays to its own.

    The default behavior is for all the types and params from other structure to be appended to
    this structure.

    Alternatively, an offsets tuple may be passed with the results of calling extend_types(). No
    new types will be added, but the newly added atoms, bonds, etc will refer to types by their
    value in the other Atoms object plus the offset. Use this when you are adding the same set
    of atoms multiple times, or if your other atoms already share the same type ids as this
    object. For the later case, the tuple (0,0,0,0) may be passed in.

        other (Atoms): atoms to add to self
        offsets: an offsets tuple with the results of calling extend_types().
        structure_index_map: dictionary where key is an index in other and value is an index in
            self, where entries only exist if the position and element of the entries are
            identical and can be considered to be the same atom.
        verbose (bool): print debugging info.
    atom_idx_offset = len(self.positions)
    if offsets is None:
        if verbose:
            print("auto offset: extending types")
        offsets = self.extend_types(other)

    xf_atoms, xf_bonds, xf_angles, xf_dihedrals, xf_impropers = self._extend_extra_fields(other)

    # update atom types for atoms that are already part of self Atoms object
    for other_index, self_index in structure_index_map.items():
        self.atom_types[self_index] = other.atom_types[other_index] + offsets[0]
        if self.extra_atom_fields.size > 0:
            self.extra_atom_fields[self_index, :] = xf_atoms[other_index, :]

    # add atoms that are not part of self Atoms object
    atoms_to_add = [i for i in range(len(other)) if i not in structure_index_map.keys()]

    self.positions = np.append(self.positions, other.positions[atoms_to_add], axis=0)
    self.atom_types = np.append(self.atom_types, other.atom_types[atoms_to_add] + offsets[0])
    self.charges = np.append(self.charges, other.charges[atoms_to_add])
    self.groups = np.append(self.groups, other.groups[atoms_to_add], axis=0)
    self.extra_atom_fields = np.append(self.extra_atom_fields, xf_atoms[atoms_to_add,:], axis=0)

    # update structure index map
    structure_index_map2 = {a:i + atom_idx_offset for i,a in enumerate(atoms_to_add)}
    convert2structureindex = np.vectorize(structure_index_map2.get)

    def find_existing_topo(topo, new_topo):
        """ find existing topo tuples between the same atoms as a new topo set.

        Used to allow an override of an existing force field term by finding old terms between
        the same atoms to delete"""

        if len(topo) == 0:
            return []
        forward_dir = list(np.nonzero(cdist(topo, new_topo, 'cityblock') == 0)[0])
        # we have to search both backwards and forwards since the topo lists are symmetrical
        reverse_dir = list(np.nonzero(cdist(topo, np.flip(new_topo, axis=1), 'cityblock') == 0)[0])
        return forward_dir + reverse_dir

    if len(other.bonds) > 0:
        new_bonds = convert2structureindex(other.bonds)
        existing_bond_indices = find_existing_topo(self.bonds, new_bonds)
        self.bonds = np.append(self.bonds, new_bonds).reshape((-1,2))
        self.bond_types = np.append(self.bond_types, other.bond_types + offsets[1])
        self.bonds = np.delete(self.bonds, existing_bond_indices, axis=0)
        self.bond_types = np.delete(self.bond_types, existing_bond_indices)
        self.extra_bond_fields = np.append(self.extra_bond_fields, xf_bonds, axis=0)
        self.extra_bond_fields = np.delete(self.extra_bond_fields, existing_bond_indices, axis=0)

    if len(other.angles) > 0:
        new_angles = convert2structureindex(other.angles)
        existing_angle_indices = find_existing_topo(self.angles, new_angles)
        self.angles = np.append(self.angles, new_angles).reshape((-1,3))
        self.angle_types = np.append(self.angle_types, other.angle_types + offsets[2])
        self.angles = np.delete(self.angles, existing_angle_indices, axis=0)
        self.angle_types = np.delete(self.angle_types, existing_angle_indices)
        self.extra_angle_fields = np.append(self.extra_angle_fields, xf_angles, axis=0)
        self.extra_angle_fields = np.delete(self.extra_angle_fields, existing_angle_indices, axis=0)

    if len(other.dihedrals) > 0:
        new_dihedrals = convert2structureindex(other.dihedrals)
        existing_dihedral_indices = find_existing_topo(self.dihedrals, new_dihedrals)
        self.dihedrals = np.append(self.dihedrals, new_dihedrals).reshape((-1,4))
        self.dihedral_types = np.append(self.dihedral_types, other.dihedral_types + offsets[3])
        self.dihedrals = np.delete(self.dihedrals, existing_dihedral_indices, axis=0)
        self.dihedral_types = np.delete(self.dihedral_types, existing_dihedral_indices)
        self.extra_dihedral_fields = np.append(self.extra_dihedral_fields, xf_dihedrals, axis=0)
        self.extra_dihedral_fields = np.delete(self.extra_dihedral_fields, existing_dihedral_indices, axis=0)

    if len(other.impropers) > 0:
        new_impropers = convert2structureindex(other.impropers)
        existing_improper_indices = find_existing_topo(self.impropers, new_impropers)
        self.impropers = np.append(self.impropers, new_impropers).reshape((-1,4))
        self.improper_types = np.append(self.improper_types, other.improper_types + offsets[4])
        self.impropers = np.delete(self.impropers, existing_improper_indices, axis=0)
        self.improper_types = np.delete(self.improper_types, existing_improper_indices)
        self.extra_improper_fields = np.append(self.extra_improper_fields, xf_impropers, axis=0)
        self.extra_improper_fields = np.delete(self.extra_improper_fields, existing_improper_indices, axis=0)


from_ase_atoms(atoms) classmethod

Create an Atoms object from an ASE Atoms object.

Only supports importing the atom positions, elements, and the unit cell.


Name Type Description Default
atoms ASE Atoms object

atoms to load from



Type Description

atoms loaded from an ASE Atoms object.

Source code in mofun/
def from_ase_atoms(cls, atoms):
    """Create an Atoms object from an ASE Atoms object.

    Only supports importing the atom positions, elements, and the unit cell.

        atoms (ASE Atoms object): atoms to load from

        Atoms: atoms loaded from an ASE Atoms object.
    return cls(elements=atoms.symbols, positions=atoms.positions, cell=atoms.cell)

load(f, filetype=None, **kwargs) classmethod

Creates an Atoms object from either a path or a file object and filetype.

Can load any of the supported types:

  • lammps data file .lmpdat
  • P1 .cif
  • avogadro .cml


Name Type Description Default
f str or Path or File

either a path to a file or an open File to load from

filetype str

filetype ('lmpdat', 'cif', or 'cml') of passed f File object, or explicit filetype to override default filetype implied from file extension.


keyword args passed on to individual load functions.

Source code in mofun/
def load(cls, f, filetype=None, **kwargs):
    """Creates an Atoms object from either a path or a file object and filetype.

    Can load any of the supported types:

    - lammps data file .lmpdat
    - P1 .cif
    - avogadro .cml

        f (str or Path or File): either a path to a file or an open File to load from
        filetype (str): filetype ('lmpdat', 'cif', or 'cml') of passed f File object, or
            explicit filetype to override default filetype implied from file extension.
        kwargs: keyword args passed on to individual load functions.

    fd = None
    path = None

    if isinstance(f, io.TextIOBase):
        fd = f
        if filetype is None:
            raise Exception("If a File object is passed, a filetype must be passed with it")
        # other cases are treated as either Pathlib path or strings
        path = f
        if filetype is None:
            _, filetype = os.path.splitext(path)
            filetype = filetype[1:]

    if filetype == "lmpdat":
        with use_or_open(fd, path) as fh:
            atoms = cls.load_lmpdat(fh, **kwargs)
            return atoms
    elif filetype == "cml":
        return cls.load_cml(fd or path, **kwargs)
    elif filetype == "cif":
        with use_or_open(fd, path) as fh:
            return cls.load_p1_cif(fh, **kwargs)
        raise Exception("Unsupported filetype")

load_cml(f, verbose=False) classmethod

Loads a CML file, including bonding information.


Name Type Description Default
f Path or File

Path or File-like object to read from.



Type Description

loaded Atoms object verbose (bool): print debugging info.

Source code in mofun/
def load_cml(cls, f, verbose=False):
    """Loads a CML file, including bonding information.

        f (Path or File): Path or File-like object to read from.

        Atoms: loaded Atoms object
        verbose (bool): print debugging info.

    tree = ET.parse(f)
    root = tree.getroot()

    atom_dicts = [a.attrib for a in root.findall('.//atom')]
    atom_tuples = [(a['id'], a['elementType'],
                   float(a['x3']), float(a['y3']), float(a['z3'])) for a in atom_dicts]
    ids, elements, x, y, z = zip(*atom_tuples)
    id_to_idx = {id:i for i, id in enumerate(ids)}
    positions = np.array([x,y,z]).T

    bond_dicts = [a.attrib for a in root.findall('.//bond')]
    bond_tuples = [(a['atomRefs2'].split(), float(a['order'])) for a in bond_dicts]
    bonds_by_ids, bond_orders = zip(*bond_tuples)
    bonds = [(id_to_idx[b1], id_to_idx[b2]) for (b1,b2) in bonds_by_ids]
    bond_types = [0 for b in bonds]
    if verbose:
        print("Found %d atoms: %s" % (len(elements), elements))
        print("Found %d atom positions: %s" % (len(positions), positions))
        print("Found %d bonds: %s" % (len(bonds), bonds))
        print("Found %d bond_types: %s" % (len(bond_types), bond_types))

    return cls(elements=elements, positions=positions, bonds=bonds, bond_types=bond_types)

load_lmpdat(f, atom_format='full', guess_atol=0.1) classmethod

Load Atoms object from lammps data file (.lmpdat) format.

LAMMPS data files store only atom ids and masses, but do not store two other things we need: elements and atom type labels. These are the rules for inferring atom type labels and elements.

In priority order, for elements, we:

  1. guess the elements using the masses by seeing if there is a periodic table element within 0.1 g/mol of the mass. If any atom types doe not match to an existing periodic table element, this method fails.
  2. use the atom ids as the elements (and print a warning).

In priority order, for atom type labels, we:

  1. use the comments after each line in the Masses section as the atom type. If any line is missing a comment, this method fails.
  2. use the elements, if we have them.
  3. use the atom ids (and print a warning).


Name Type Description Default
f File

File-like object to read from.

atom_format str

atom format of lammps data file. Currently supported atom formats are 'full' and 'atomic'.

guess_atol float

absolute tolerance a read mass can differ from a periodic table mass and still be considered that element. Default: 0.1.



Type Description

loaded Atoms object

Source code in mofun/
def load_lmpdat(cls, f, atom_format="full", guess_atol=0.1):
    """Load Atoms object from lammps data file (.lmpdat) format.

    LAMMPS data files store only atom ids and masses, but do not store two other things we need:
    elements and atom type labels. These are the rules for inferring atom type labels and elements.

    In priority order, for elements, we:

    1. guess the elements using the masses by seeing if there is a periodic table element within
    0.1 g/mol of the mass. If any atom types doe not match to an existing periodic table
    element, this method fails.
    2. use the atom ids as the elements (and print a warning).

    In priority order, for atom type labels, we:

    1. use the comments after each line in the Masses section as the atom type. If any line is
    missing a comment, this method fails.
    2. use the elements, if we have them.
    3. use the atom ids (and print a warning).

        f (File): File-like object to read from.
        atom_format (str): atom format of lammps data file. Currently supported atom formats are
            'full' and 'atomic'.
        guess_atol (float): absolute tolerance a read mass can differ from a periodic table mass
            and still be considered that element. Default: 0.1.

        Atoms: loaded Atoms object
    def get_types_tups(arr):
        types = tups = []
        if len(arr) > 0:
            types = arr[:, 1] - 1
            tups = arr[:, 2:] - 1
        return types, tups

    masses = []
    atoms = []
    bonds = []
    angles = []
    dihedrals = []
    impropers = []

    pair_coeffs = []
    bond_coeffs = []
    angle_coeffs = []
    dihedral_coeffs = []
    improper_coeffs = []
    atom_type_labels = []
    atom_type_elements = []

    cellx = celly = cellz = 0.0
    cellxy = cellxz = cellyz = 0.0

    sections_handled = ["Pair Coeffs", "Bond Coeffs", "Angle Coeffs", "Dihedral Coeffs",
                        "Improper Coeffs", "Atoms", "Bonds", "Angles", "Dihedrals", "Impropers",
    current_section = None
    start_section = False

    for unprocessed_line in f:
        # handle comments
        comment_string = ""
        comment = None
        if "#" in unprocessed_line:
            line, comment = unprocessed_line.split('#')
            comment = comment.strip()
            comment_string ="   # " + comment
            line = unprocessed_line.split('#')[0]
        line = line.strip()
        if line in sections_handled:
            current_section = line
            start_section = True
        elif line == "":
            if not start_section:
                # end of section or blank
                current_section= None
            start_section = False
        tup = line.split()
        if current_section == "Masses":
        elif current_section == "Pair Coeffs":
            pair_coeffs.append("%s%s" % (" ".join(tup[1:]), comment_string))
        elif current_section == "Bond Coeffs":
            bond_coeffs.append("%s%s" % (" ".join(tup[1:]), comment_string))
        elif current_section == "Angle Coeffs":
            angle_coeffs.append("%s%s" % ("  ".join(tup[1:]), comment_string))
        elif current_section == "Dihedral Coeffs":
            dihedral_coeffs.append("%s%s" % (" ".join(tup[1:]), comment_string))
        elif current_section == "Improper Coeffs":
            improper_coeffs.append("%s%s" % (" ".join(tup[1:]), comment_string))
        elif current_section == "Atoms":
        elif current_section == "Bonds":
        elif current_section == "Angles":
        elif current_section == "Dihedrals":
        elif current_section == "Impropers":
        elif current_section is None:
            if "xlo xhi" in line:
                cellx = float(tup[1]) - float(tup[0])
            elif "ylo yhi" in line:
                celly = float(tup[1]) - float(tup[0])
            elif "zlo zhi" in line:
                cellz = float(tup[1]) - float(tup[0])
            elif "xy xz yz" in line:
                cellxy, cellxz, cellyz = [float(x) for x in tup[0:3]]

    cell = None
    if cellx > 0. and celly > 0. and cellz > 0.:
        if cellxy != 0.0 or cellxz != 0.0 or cellyz != 0: # triclinic
            cell = np.array([[cellx, 0, 0], [cellxy, celly, 0], [cellxz, cellyz, cellz]])
        else: # orthorhombic
            cell = np.identity(3) * (cellx, celly, cellz)

    atom_type_masses = np.array(masses, dtype=float)
    atoms = np.array(atoms, dtype=float)
    bonds = np.array(bonds, dtype=int)
    angles = np.array(angles, dtype=int)
    dihedrals = np.array(dihedrals, dtype=int)
    impropers = np.array(impropers, dtype=int)

    # note: bond indices in lmpdat file are 1-indexed and we are 0-indexed which is why
    # the bond pairs get a -1
    if atom_format == "atomic":
        atom_types = np.array(atoms[:, 1] - 1, dtype=int)
        groups = np.zeros(len(atom_types))
        charges = np.zeros(len(atom_types))
        atom_tups = atoms[:, 2:5]
    elif atom_format == "full":
        groups = np.array(atoms[:, 1] - 1, dtype=int)
        atom_types = np.array(atoms[:, 2] - 1, dtype=int)
        charges = np.array(atoms[:, 3], dtype=float)
        atom_tups = atoms[:, 4:7]

    # guess the atom elements; if this fails, use the atoms ids as the elements
        atom_type_elements = guess_elements_from_masses(atom_type_masses, max_delta=guess_atol)
    except Exception:
        print("WARNING: using type ids for elements since some masses do not correspond to periodic table elements within the set tolerance.", file=sys.stderr)
        atom_type_elements = [str(i + 1) for i in range(len(masses))]

    # infer the atom type labels
    if (atom_type_labels.count(None) == 0):
        # then loading atom types from the labels worked
        print("WARNING: using elements for atom type labels since there is not an atom type label comment for every atom type in the Masses section.", file=sys.stderr)
        atom_type_labels = atom_type_elements.copy()

    bond_types, bond_tups = get_types_tups(bonds)
    angle_types, angle_tups = get_types_tups(angles)
    dihedral_types, dihedral_tups = get_types_tups(dihedrals)
    improper_types, improper_tups = get_types_tups(impropers)

    return cls(atom_types=atom_types, positions=atom_tups, charges=charges,
               atom_type_masses=atom_type_masses, atom_type_elements=atom_type_elements,
               bond_types=bond_types, bonds=bond_tups,
               angle_types=angle_types, angles=angle_tups,
               dihedral_types=dihedral_types, dihedrals=dihedral_tups,
               improper_types=improper_types, impropers=improper_tups,
               pair_coeffs=pair_coeffs, bond_type_coeffs=bond_coeffs,
               angle_type_coeffs=angle_coeffs, dihedral_type_coeffs=dihedral_coeffs,
               improper_type_coeffs=improper_coeffs, atom_type_labels=atom_type_labels,
               groups=groups, cell=cell)

load_p1_cif(f) classmethod

Loads a P1 CIF file.

This is a simple P1 CIF reader that ignores symmetry. For large files, this is significantly faster than the symmetry-aware implementation in ASE. It will read bonds, angles, and torsions, and all associated fields.


Name Type Description Default
f File

File-like object to read from.



Type Description

loaded Atoms object

Source code in mofun/
def load_p1_cif(cls, f):
    """Loads a P1 CIF file.

    This is a simple P1 CIF reader that ignores symmetry. For large files, this is significantly faster than the
    symmetry-aware implementation in ASE. It will read bonds, angles, and torsions, and all associated fields.

        f (File): File-like object to read from.

        Atoms: loaded Atoms object

    def has_all_tags(block, tags):
        return np.array([block.has_key(tag) for tag in tags]).all()

    def tofloat(s):
        return float(re.sub(r"\(\d+\)", "", s))

    # PyCifRw supports file descriptors and path strings, but doesn't not support PathLib paths.
    if isinstance(f, pathlib.PurePath):
        f = str(f)

    cf = CifFile.ReadCif(f)

    block = cf[cf.get_roots()[0][0]]

    if block.has_key("_symmetry_space_group_name_H-M") and block["_symmetry_space_group_name_H-M"] not in ["P1", "P 1"]:
        raise Exception("Atoms.load_p1_cif is optimized for and only supports P1 CIFs. Non-P1 CIFs can be loaded"
            "using ASE or converted to P1 with another program")

    cart_coord_tags = ["_atom_site_cartn_x", "_atom_site_cartn_y", "_atom_site_cartn_z", "_atom_site_label"]
    fract_coord_tags = ["_atom_site_fract_x", "_atom_site_fract_y", "_atom_site_fract_z", "_atom_site_label"]

    use_fract_coords = False
    if has_all_tags(block, cart_coord_tags):
        coords = [block[lbl] for lbl in cart_coord_tags]
    elif has_all_tags(block, fract_coord_tags):
        use_fract_coords = True
        coords = [block[lbl] for lbl in fract_coord_tags]
        raise("no fractional or cartesian coords in CIF file")

    x = [tofloat(c) for c in coords[0]]
    y = [tofloat(c) for c in coords[1]]
    z = [tofloat(c) for c in coords[2]]

    atom_name = coords[3]
    positions = np.array([x,y,z], dtype=float).T

    atom_types = block['_atom_site_type_symbol']

    charges = []
    if block.has_key('_atom_site_charge'):
        charges = block['_atom_site_charge']

    all_handled_atom_tags = OrderedSet(cart_coord_tags + fract_coord_tags +
                                ["_atom_site_type_symbol", "_atom_site_charge", "_atom_site_label"])
    cif_atom_tags = OrderedSet(block.GetLoop("_atom_site_type_symbol").keys()) - all_handled_atom_tags
    cif_atom_fields = list(zip(*[block[lbl] for lbl in cif_atom_tags]))

    bonds = []
    bond_types = []
    bond_tags = ["_geom_bond_atom_site_label_1", "_geom_bond_atom_site_label_2"]
    cif_bond_tags = []
    cif_bond_fields = []
    if has_all_tags(block, bond_tags):
        cif_bonds = zip(*[block[lbl] for lbl in bond_tags])
        bonds = [(atom_name.index(a), atom_name.index(b)) for (a,b) in cif_bonds]
        bond_types = range(len(bonds)) # for CIFs, bond_types is a placeholder and it is unused

        cif_bond_tags = OrderedSet(block.GetLoop("_geom_bond_atom_site_label_1").keys()) - set(bond_tags)
        cif_bond_fields = list(zip(*[block[lbl] for lbl in cif_bond_tags]))

    angles = []
    angle_types = []
    angle_tags = ["_geom_angle_atom_site_label_%d" % i for i in [1,2,3]]
    cif_angle_tags = []
    cif_angle_fields = []
    if has_all_tags(block, angle_tags):
        cif_angles = zip(*[block[lbl] for lbl in angle_tags])
        angles = [(atom_name.index(a), atom_name.index(b), atom_name.index(c)) for (a,b,c) in cif_angles]
        angle_types = range(len(angles)) # for CIFs, angle_types is a placeholder and it is unused

        cif_angle_tags = OrderedSet(block.GetLoop("_geom_angle_atom_site_label_1").keys()) - set(angle_tags)
        cif_angle_fields = list(zip(*[block[lbl] for lbl in cif_angle_tags]))

    # We are loading all torsions in as dihedrals, but jI think the concept of CIF torsion may be equivalent in
    # LAMMPS to the set of dihedrals + impropers. I'm not sure if there is a good way of distinguising these.
    dihedrals = []
    dihedral_types = []
    dihedral_tags = ["_geom_torsion_atom_site_label_%d" % i for i in [1,2,3,4]]
    cif_dihedral_tags = []
    cif_dihedral_fields = []
    if has_all_tags(block, dihedral_tags):
        cif_dihedrals = zip(*[block[lbl] for lbl in dihedral_tags])
        dihedrals = [(atom_name.index(a), atom_name.index(b), atom_name.index(c), atom_name.index(d)) for (a,b,c,d) in cif_dihedrals]
        dihedral_types = range(len(dihedrals)) # for CIFs, dihedral_types is a placeholder and it is unused

        cif_dihedral_tags = OrderedSet(block.GetLoop("_geom_torsion_atom_site_label_1").keys()) - set(dihedral_tags)
        cif_dihedral_fields = list(zip(*[block[lbl] for lbl in cif_dihedral_tags]))

    cell = None
    cell_tags = ['_cell_length_a', '_cell_length_b', '_cell_length_c', '_cell_angle_alpha', '_cell_angle_beta', '_cell_angle_gamma']
    if has_all_tags(block, cell_tags):
        a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma = [tofloat(block[tag]) for tag in cell_tags]
        cell = cellpar_to_cell([a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma])
        if use_fract_coords:
            # wrap fractional coords into unit cell
            positions %= 1.0
            positions =

    return cls(elements=atom_types, positions=positions, cell=cell, charges=charges,
                bonds=bonds, bond_types=bond_types,
                angles=angles, angle_types=angle_types,
                dihedrals=dihedrals, dihedral_types=dihedral_types,
                extra_atom_labels=cif_atom_tags, extra_atom_fields=cif_atom_fields,
                extra_bond_labels=cif_bond_tags, extra_bond_fields=cif_bond_fields,
                extra_angle_labels=cif_angle_tags, extra_angle_fields=cif_angle_fields,
                extra_dihedral_labels=cif_dihedral_tags, extra_dihedral_fields=cif_dihedral_fields)

replicate(self, repldims=(1, 1, 1))

Replicate atoms object across xyz dimensions

Warnings: * does not magically handle any bonds that may cross periodic boundary conditions!


Name Type Description Default
repldims Tuple(int, int, int

number of times to replicate in each dimension

(1, 1, 1)


Type Description

replicated atoms.

Source code in mofun/
def replicate(self, repldims=(1,1,1)):
    """Replicate atoms object across xyz dimensions

    * does not magically handle any bonds that may cross periodic boundary conditions!

        repldims (Tuple(int, int, int)): number of times to replicate in each dimension

        Atoms: replicated atoms.
    if self.cell is None:
        raise Exception("Can't replicate if no unit cell has been defined")

    repl_atoms = self.copy()
    ucmults = np.array(np.meshgrid(*[range(r) for r in repldims])).T.reshape(-1, 3)
    ucmults = ucmults[np.any(ucmults != 0, axis=1)] # remove [0,0,0] since in copy
    for ucmult in ucmults:
        transatoms = self.copy()
        transatoms.translate(np.matmul(transatoms.cell.T, ucmult))
        repl_atoms.extend(transatoms, offsets=(0,0,0,0))

    repl_atoms.cell = self.cell * repldims
    return repl_atoms

save(self, f, filetype=None, **kwargs)

Saves an Atoms object to either a path or a file object and filetype.

Can save any of the supported types:

  • lammps data file .lmpdat
  • P1 .cif
  • RASPA .mol


Name Type Description Default
f str or Path or File

either a path to a file or an open File to save to

filetype str

filetype ('lmpdat', 'cif', or 'cml') of passed f File object, or explicit filetype to override default filetype implied from file extension.


keyword args passed on to individual save functions.

Source code in mofun/
def save(self, f, filetype=None, **kwargs):
    """Saves an Atoms object to either a path or a file object and filetype.

    Can save any of the supported types:

    - lammps data file .lmpdat
    - P1 .cif
    - RASPA .mol

        f (str or Path or File): either a path to a file or an open File to save to
        filetype (str): filetype ('lmpdat', 'cif', or 'cml') of passed f File object, or
            explicit filetype to override default filetype implied from file extension.
        kwargs: keyword args passed on to individual save functions.

    fd = None
    path = None

    if isinstance(f, io.TextIOBase):
        fd = f
        if filetype is None:
            raise Exception("If a File object is passed, a filetype must be passed with it")
        # other cases are treated as either Pathlib path or strings
        path = f
        if filetype is None:
            _, filetype = os.path.splitext(path)
            filetype = filetype[1:]

    if filetype == "lmpdat":
        with use_or_open(fd, path, mode='w') as fh:
            atoms = self.save_lmpdat(fh, **kwargs)
            return atoms
    elif filetype == "mol":
        with use_or_open(fd, path, mode='w') as fh:
            return self.save_raspa_mol(fh, **kwargs)
    elif filetype == "cif":
        with use_or_open(fd, path, mode='w') as fh:
            return self.save_p1_cif(fh, **kwargs)
        raise Exception("Unsupported filetype")

save_lmpdat(self, f, atom_format='full', file_comment='')

Saves a lmpdat file


Name Type Description Default
f File

an open file to write to

atom_format str

LAMMPS atom format. Supports only 'atomic' and 'full'.

file_comment str

written in first line of output file.

Source code in mofun/
def save_lmpdat(self, f, atom_format="full", file_comment=""):
    """Saves a lmpdat file

        f (File): an open file to write to
        atom_format (str): LAMMPS atom format. Supports only 'atomic' and 'full'.
        file_comment (str): written in first line of output file.

    f.write("%s (written by mofun)\n\n" % file_comment)

    f.write('%d atoms\n' % len(self.atom_types))
    f.write('%d bonds\n' % len(self.bond_types))
    f.write('%d angles\n' % len(self.angle_types))
    f.write('%d dihedrals\n' % len(self.dihedral_types))
    f.write('%d impropers\n' % len(self.improper_types))

    if self.num_atom_types > 0:
        f.write('%d atom types\n' % self.num_atom_types)
    if self.num_bond_types > 0:
        f.write('%d bond types\n' % self.num_bond_types)
    if self.num_angle_types > 0:
        f.write('%d angle types\n' % self.num_angle_types)
    if self.num_dihedral_types > 0:
        f.write('%d dihedral types\n' % self.num_dihedral_types)
    if self.num_improper_types > 0:
        f.write('%d improper types\n' % self.num_improper_types)

    # TODO: support triclinic
    if self.cell is not None and self.cell.shape == (3,3):
        xlohi, ylohi, zlohi = zip([0,0,0], np.diag(self.cell))
        f.write(" %10.6f %10.6f xlo xhi\n" % xlohi)
        f.write(" %10.6f %10.6f ylo yhi\n" % ylohi)
        f.write(" %10.6f %10.6f zlo zhi\n" % zlohi)

        if not self.cell_is_orthorhombic():
            if self.cell[0,1] != 0 or self.cell[0,2] != 0 or self.cell[1,2] != 0:
                raise Exception("To write a triclinic LAMMPS data file, the first vector must be aligned with the "
                    "x-axis (i.e., both x and y must be zero) and the second vector must be in the XY plane (i.e. z "
                    "must be 0. Please see for more info. This can be fulfilled"
                    "by rotating the unit cell and the positions as this is not automated at present.")
            f.write(" %10.6f %10.6f %10.6f xy xz yz\n" % (self.cell[1,0], self.cell[2,0], self.cell[2,1]))

    for i, m in enumerate(self.atom_type_masses):
        f.write(" %d %10.6f   # %s\n" % (i + 1, m, self.label_atoms(i)))

    if len(self.pair_coeffs) > 0:
        f.write('\nPair Coeffs\n\n')
        for i, coeffs in enumerate(self.pair_coeffs):
            f.write(' %d %s\n' % (i + 1, coeffs))

    if len(self.bond_type_coeffs) > 0:
        f.write('\nBond Coeffs\n\n')
        for i, coeffs in enumerate(self.bond_type_coeffs):
            f.write(' %d %s\n' % (i + 1, coeffs))

    if len(self.angle_type_coeffs) > 0:
        f.write('\nAngle Coeffs\n\n')
        for i, coeffs in enumerate(self.angle_type_coeffs):
            f.write(' %d %s\n' % (i + 1, coeffs))

    if len(self.dihedral_type_coeffs) > 0:
        f.write('\nDihedral Coeffs\n\n')
        for i, coeffs in enumerate(self.dihedral_type_coeffs):
            f.write(' %d %s\n' % (i + 1, coeffs))

    if len(self.improper_type_coeffs) > 0:
        f.write('\nImproper Coeffs\n\n')
        for i, coeffs in enumerate(self.improper_type_coeffs):
            f.write(' %d %s\n' % (i + 1, coeffs))

    if atom_format == "atomic":
        for i, (x, y, z) in enumerate(self.positions):
            f.write(" %d %d %10.6f %10.6f %10.6f   # %s\n" % (i + 1, self.atom_types[i] + 1, x, y, z, self.label_atoms(self.atom_types[i])))
    elif atom_format == "full":
        for i, (x, y, z) in enumerate(self.positions):
            f.write(" %d %d %d %10.6f %10.6f %10.6f %10.6f   # %s\n" %
                (i + 1, self.groups[i] + 1, self.atom_types[i] + 1, self.charges[i], x, y, z, self.label_atoms(self.atom_types[i])))

    if len(self.bonds) > 0:
        for i, tup in enumerate(self.bonds):
            f.write(" %d %d %d %d   # %s\n" % (i + 1, self.bond_types[i] + 1, *(np.array(tup) + 1), self.label_atoms(tup, atom_indices=True)))

    if len(self.angles) > 0:
        for i, tup in enumerate(self.angles):
            f.write(" %d %d %d %d %d   # %s\n" % (i + 1, self.angle_types[i] + 1, *(np.array(tup) + 1), self.label_atoms(tup, atom_indices=True)))

    if len(self.dihedrals) > 0:
        for i, tup in enumerate(self.dihedrals):
            f.write(" %d %d %d %d %d %d   # %s\n" % (i + 1, self.dihedral_types[i] + 1, *(np.array(tup) + 1), self.label_atoms(tup, atom_indices=True)))

    if len(self.impropers) > 0:
        for i, tup in enumerate(self.impropers):
            f.write(" %d %d %d %d %d %d   # %s\n" % (i + 1, self.improper_types[i] + 1, *(np.array(tup) + 1), self.label_atoms(tup, atom_indices=True)))

save_p1_cif(self, f, structurename='structure', use_fract_coords=True)

Saves a P1 CIF file.

This is a simple P1 CIF writer that does not handle symmetry, but does handle bonds, angles and torsions.


Name Type Description Default
f File

File-like object to write to.

structurename str

name of structure to use as the main CIF data block.

use_fract_coords bool

output using fractional coords instead of cartesian coordinates.

Source code in mofun/
def save_p1_cif(self, f, structurename="structure", use_fract_coords=True):
    """Saves a P1 CIF file.

    This is a simple P1 CIF writer that does not handle symmetry, but does handle bonds, angles and torsions.

        f (File): File-like object to write to.
        structurename (str): name of structure to use as the main CIF data block.
        use_fract_coords (bool): output using fractional coords instead of cartesian coordinates.

    cf = CifFile.CifFile()

    block = CifFile.CifBlock()
    cf[structurename] = block
    block['_symmetry_space_group_name_H-M'] = "P 1"
    block['_symmetry_Int_Tables_number'] = 1

    if self.cell is not None:
        c = self.cell
        block['_cell_length_a'] = np.sqrt([0], c[0]))
        block['_cell_length_b'] = np.sqrt([1], c[1]))
        block['_cell_length_c'] = np.sqrt([2], c[2]))
        block['_cell_angle_alpha'] = "%.4f" % np.rad2deg(np.arccos([1], c[2]) / (norm(c[1]) * norm(c[2]))))
        block['_cell_angle_beta']  = "%.4f" % np.rad2deg(np.arccos([0], c[2]) / (norm(c[0]) * norm(c[2]))))
        block['_cell_angle_gamma'] = "%.4f" % np.rad2deg(np.arccos([0], c[1]) / (norm(c[0]) * norm(c[1]))))

    # get atom type labels
    d = {e: 0 for e in self.atom_type_elements}
    atom_labels = []
    for e in self.elements:
        d[e] += 1
        atom_labels.append("%s%d" % (e, d[e]))

    if use_fract_coords == True and self.cell is None:
        print("WARNING: requested fractional coordinates, but there is no unit cell. Using cartesian coordinates")
        use_fract_coords = False

    if use_fract_coords == True:
        coords_labels = ["_atom_site_fract_x", "_atom_site_fract_y", "_atom_site_fract_z"]
        cell_inv = np.linalg.inv(self.cell)
        fractional_coords =
        coords = [["%.4f" % s for s in fractional_coords[:,0]],
                  ["%.4f" % s for s in fractional_coords[:,1]],
                  ["%.4f" % s for s in fractional_coords[:,2]],]
        coords_labels = ["_atom_site_Cartn_x", "_atom_site_Cartn_y", "_atom_site_Cartn_z"]
        coords = [["%.4f" % s for s in self.positions[:,0]],
                  ["%.4f" % s for s in self.positions[:,1]],
                  ["%.4f" % s for s in self.positions[:,2]],]


    if len(self.bonds) > 0:
                [atom_labels[i] for i in self.bonds[:,0]],
                [atom_labels[i] for i in self.bonds[:,1]],

    if len(self.angles) > 0:
                [atom_labels[i] for i in self.angles[:,0]],
                [atom_labels[i] for i in self.angles[:,1]],
                [atom_labels[i] for i in self.angles[:,2]],

    if len(self.dihedrals) > 0 or len(self.impropers) > 0:
        four_body_terms = []
        four_body_terms = np.array(four_body_terms)

                [atom_labels[i] for i in four_body_terms[:,0]],
                [atom_labels[i] for i in four_body_terms[:,1]],
                [atom_labels[i] for i in four_body_terms[:,2]],
                [atom_labels[i] for i in four_body_terms[:,3]],

    f.write(cf.WriteOut(comment="# CIF file created by MOFUN using PyCifRW."))

save_raspa_mol(self, f, file_comment='')

Writes raspa .mol file for structural information (this is a file format specific to RASPA, NOT the more commonly used .mol file).

Source code in mofun/
def save_raspa_mol(self, f, file_comment=""):
    """Writes raspa .mol file for structural information (this is a file format specific to RASPA, NOT the more
    commonly used .mol file).

    f.write(" Molecule_name: %s\n" % file_comment)
    f.write("  Coord_Info: Listed Cartesian None\n")
    f.write("        %d\n" % len(self))

    for i, (x, y, z) in enumerate(self.positions):
        f.write("%6d %10.4f %10.4f %10.4f  %5s %10.8f  0  0\n" % (i + 1, x, y, z,
            self.elements[i], self.charges[i]))

    if self.cell is not None:
        if self.cell_is_orthorhombic():
            f.write("  Fundcell_Info: Listed\n")
            f.write("        %10.4f       %10.4f       %10.4f\n" % tuple(np.diag(self.cell)))
            f.write("           90.0000          90.0000          90.0000\n")
            f.write("           0.00000          0.00000          0.00000\n")
            f.write("        %10.4f       %10.4f       %10.4f\n" % tuple(np.diag(self.cell)))
            raise("output to raspa MOL file of a triclinic unit cell is not implemented yet")


Convert to ASE atoms object.

Only supports export of the positions and elements.

Source code in mofun/
def to_ase(self):
    """Convert to ASE atoms object.

    Only supports export of the positions and elements.
    kwargs = dict(positions=self.positions)
    if self.cell is not None:
        kwargs['cell'] = self.cell
        kwargs['pbc'] = True
    return ase.Atoms(self.elements, **kwargs)

find_unchanged_atom_pairs(orig_structure, final_structure, max_delta=1e-05)

Returns array of tuple pairs, where each pair contains the indices in the original and the final structure that match.

Does not work across PBCs.

Source code in mofun/
def find_unchanged_atom_pairs(orig_structure, final_structure, max_delta=1e-5):
    """Returns array of tuple pairs, where each pair contains the indices in the original and the final
    structure that match.

    Does not work across PBCs."""
    match_pairs = []
    for i, p1 in enumerate(orig_structure.positions):
        for j, p2 in enumerate(final_structure.positions):
            if norm(np.array(p2) - p1) < max_delta and orig_structure.elements[i] == final_structure.elements[j]:
    return match_pairs